Is the dough in the right place?

Monday, 5 November 2007

BAFTA nomination for Breadmakers

BREADMAKERS, a short documentary by young Edinburgh filmmaker Yasmin Fedda, is one of three films nominated by BAFTA Scotland in the best short film category.

It tells the story of a community of Edinburgh workers with learning disabilities in the Garvald Bakery in Gorgie, who make a range of organic breads for delivery to shops and cafes all over Edinburgh.

Produced by Jim Hickey and Robin Mitchell, the film has just been screened at Iran's International Documentary film festival and has recently been signed up for international distribution.

Yasmin Fedda, a Lebanese Canadian working in Edinburgh, said, "I'm delighted that the film has been nominated by BAFTA. I found the bakery to be an inspirational place and making the film allowed me to capture a world that would not normally be seen."

The Lloyds TSB BAFTA Scotland Awards 2007 takes place on Sunday 18th November in the City Halls, Glasgow.

BREADMAKERS, which can be viewed on the BBC Film Network website, was made as part of the Scottish Documentary Institute's Bridging the Gap scheme. The film has already won the Short Scottish Documentary Award at this year's Edinburgh International Film Festival.

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