Is the dough in the right place?

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Labour Ennobles

There will be a screening of Breadmakers in Amsterdam on the 18th and 19th April 2008 as part of the Amsterdam Shorts Teaser Night.

The event is entitled Labour Ennobles and this is their blurb . . .

" Let us shake up your drag of everyday life by showing you other people's humdrum routines at work. We guarantee this to be a refreshing experience for anyone. The third and final Amsterdam Shorts! teaser night presents five carefully selected films that show you that any kind of labour, ranging from the oldest job on earth to the newest quirks of globalisation, ennobles us human beings."

Calcutta Calling
R: Andre Hoermann
(Ge, 2006, 16')
Vikhee Uphall is making a career in telemarketing. Calling from Calcutta he sells phone subscriptions to Americans, Brits and Aussies.

De Zone
R: Ben van Lieshout
(NL, 1999, 18')
An accurately shot film about a typical Dutch phenomenon: de afwerkplek, a place where prostitutes and their clients can park a car to have sex in.

Morning / Evening / Morning
R: David Burrows
(Fr, 2006, 19')
A dreamy insight into the life of a couple who through conflicting work schedules never really are together.

R: Yasmin Fedda
(GB, 2007, 11')
Somewhere in Scotland there is a bakery which has the happiest employees in the world!

Staplerfahrer Klaus. Der erste Arbeitstag
R: Jörg Wagner
(Ge, 2001, 10')
In this hilarious instructional video we follow lift truck driver Klaus' first day at work.

More details at:

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